jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

Ask Jesus How.

Reporter – Hello to you all, we are going to make an once in history interview with Jesus the Son of God, yeah folks, we are talking about the one Jesus the Christ!

(Christ appears and the crowd gets wild)

Christ – Peace and love be with you all, thanks for inviting me to come to this interview.

Reporter – Thanks to you Jesus the Christ for coming here, let us begin our interview right away, I bet that you should have more important business to do somewhere else, right?

Christ – Don’t worry about my time, it has no limits, besides I am omnipresent.

Reporter – (Ahem) yeah sorry I forgot about that, so Jesus I was wondering since you entered this place, how do we know that you really are Jesus the Christ?, I mean, you don’t look exactly the way you do on all the picture and crucifixes that the Church have.

Christ – I am who I am, widely known as the Christ, I am Consciousness and light, and my appearance is not absolute to everyone since every person sees me different.

Reporter – You said that you are Consciousness, what type of Consciousness are you referring to?

Christ – I am the Consciousness of God.

Reporter Huh, so what is the correct definition of God?

Christ – God is the indefinable mystery, who is the whole and nothing.

Reporter – Hmm so, when did God created us, I when was the time?

Christ – God first created time and then us, so there was no time.

Reporter – Sounds reasonable, so everyone wonders, was the Bible really created by God?

Christ – The Bible was created in this world thus created by man but God creates everything so you can say He did.

Reporter – (Starting to get confused) what is one of the greatest errors that people commit while reading the Bible?

Christ – Taking its meaning literally of course, the Bible encodes many secrets teachings only understood by the original Christians that created it, the Bible was initially interpreted in an allegorical way not literal, thus giving different meaning, and by doing otherwise there has been many consequences as the distortion of its true purpose.

Reporter – (Almost totally confused) Well, Jesus changing our interview theme, can you tell us, what is the meaning of life?

Christ – Life is given to us again and again for the purpose of realizing our true nature as humans.

Reporter – Then, what is our true human nature?

Christ – We were created by God so our nature is also the nature of the Supreme, which is goodness.

Reporter – If that is so, then why is there so much evil and wars in this world?

Christ – Goodness is absolute, but in order for goodness to exist, there must be evil as in order for peace to exist there must be war, but evil is not absolute as goodness is, evil is only relative to its absolute contra part.

Reporter – (Taking a pause) that was enlightening Jesus, can you tell us now, what is the worst sin that we can commit?

Christ – Denning our true nature that is represented as the Holy Spirit.

Reporter – (Thinking) I wonder, is really hell eternal suffering?

Christ – There is no such thing as your concept known as ‘‘hell’’, it is taught only as a consequence of sin and thus being afraid to commit it, but the closer thing to the idea in mind is being spiritual dead on this world, living your own hell.

Reporter – (Not sure if he understood) thanks for clearing this point out Jesus, so is there heaven?

Christ – You can say that.

Reporter – (Confused again) hmm, so how can we go directly to heaven?

Christ – Well, if you take heaven as a state of being (with) God, then it is achieved by serving God in a new way, that is by living by our nature.

Reporter – So what is Gods’ plan for us?

Christ – To end time as we know it by uniting all the seeds of Consciousness, this is only achieved by realizing our true identity and thus coming to the whole, therefore being united in Gnosis.

Reporter – (Without a clue anymore) So Christ as a grand finale, what is the best advice that you can give us?

Christ – I truthfully say to you to desire nothing, to hate nothing, and to love all (After those words, Jesus the Christ disappears in a blinding light).